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Ahhh, it feels good to be back! July was such a busy month, filled with summer camp, family commitments and an RV adventure to South Dakota! I'm so happy to be back to a somewhat normal schedule. I wonder how long that will last?
So, here at the house we're in back to school mode. Are you, too? My son, Dane, will be in 1st Grade this fall and he's super excited about it. He's finishing off the month of August at summer camp, but then in early September, it's back to school. I've always been pretty lucky as a mom because Dane has always embraced new experiences. He loves meeting new people and trying new things. He finished Kindergarten with flying colors (other than being a bit of a distraction to the rest of the class once and awhile).
Dane's like his dad. He thrives when he's the center of attention, and loves to perform. Unfortunately, his kindergarten teacher didn't give him a standing ovation when he made his best armpit noises in class one day. He loves to make people laugh, and one of the things he's gotten into lately has been joke telling.
To help break the ice with his new 1st grade class, I thought it would be fun to pack a joke in his lunch box or backpack in the first weeks of school he could share with his buddies. These are all classic jokes even kindergarteners would understand. Heck, they make most adults laugh, too!
All you need to do is print out ONLY the first page of jokes, feed it back into your printer and print ONLY page 2, so it prints the answers on the back of the jokes.
You're cringing, right? All printers work a bit differently, but for mine (after I printed out the first page), I fed the sheet of paper in with the joke side up, top of the sheet going in first - and it worked out perfectly! Bonus!
Put a smile on your child's face as they go back to school this year with these fun, printable lunch box jokes. What a great reminder to your kids that you're always thinking of them. . .even when you're not together!
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